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To select the proper length stud, first select the grommet, for example 4002-G. Next, select the receptacle, such as 214-16. After determining the total grip thickness, use the grommet column under which the selected grommet and receptacle appear. Use the dash number which appears opposite the determined total grip thickness.


To select the proper length stud, first select the grommet, for example 4002-G. Next, select the receptacle, such as 214-16. After determining the total grip thickness, use the grommet column under which the selected grommet and receptacle appear. Use the dash number which appears opposite the determined total grip thickness.

Example: If the total determined grip thickness “G” was. 144, the stud dash number for the above 4002-G grommet and 214-16 receptacle would be -4. The stud part number would be 4002-4.

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